
Wireguard for Openshift via KMMO

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Wireguard via KMMO for OCP 4.x

NOTE: TECH PREVIEW. This is still a work in progress and in testing.

Wireguard Kernel Module installed and managed via KMMO / Driver Toolkit. Read more about Driver toolkit here.


  1. You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster (version 4.11.x).

  2. You set the Image Registry Operator state to Managed for your cluster. (Read more)

    # check image registry operator state. Should be set to Managed
    oc get configs.imageregistry.operator.openshift.io/cluster -ojsonpath='{.spec.managementState}'
  3. You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  4. You are logged into the OpenShift CLI as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

Quick start

  1. Clone this repo

  2. (Optional) Edit manifests 01-wireguard-kmmo.yaml BuildConfig buildArgs section so it matches your cluster setup

    2.1. Update driver-toolkit image in the dockerfile section of the BuildConfig resource. You can use the code below to find the correct image for your OCP cluster version.

    oc adm release info $OCP_VER --image-for=driver-toolkit

    2.2. Update WIREGUARD_ARCHIVE_NAME and WIREGUARD_ARCHIVE_SHA256 values in the strategy.dockerStrategy.buildArgs section of the BuildConfig resource if you want to use another version of Wireguard.

    You can view available Wireguard versions at https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-linux-compat.

    • Copy the package name without the extension .tar.xz and use it for the WIREGUARD_ARCHIVE_NAME value.

    • Then download the package locally and use sha256sum utility to get the SHA256 for it and use it for the WIREGUARD_ARCHIVE_SHA256 value.

      # example
      sha256sum ~/Downloads/wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20210606.tar.xz
      3f5d990006e6eabfd692d925ec314fff2c5ee7dcdb869a6510d579acfdd84ec0  /tmp/wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20210606.tar.xz
  3. (Optional) Re-generate manifests/01-helpers.yaml by running make manifests/01-helpers.yaml. Do this if you have modified any of the files under helpers.

  4. make builder will create your Namespace, BuildConfig, ConfigMap artifacts on your Openshift Cluster. Wait until your imagestream build is available (Run oc get -f ./manifests -w to monitor build status)

  5. make install will create and start a daemonset driver container that will enable wireguard while it is up. It will also unload wireguard kmods if it's brought down.

  6. make remove uninstalls everything


BuildConfig buildArgs

        # find your desired version / archive name here https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-linux-compat/
          value: "wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20220627"
        # sha256sum value of the archive selected
        - name: WIREGUARD_ARCHIVE_SHA256
          value: "362d412693c8fe82de00283435818d5c5def7f15e2433a07a9fe99d0518f63c0"
        # if you wish to mirror the archive (e.g. for airgapped setups), use the below variable to set the location to download from e.g. http://localhost.run/blobs will result in http://localhost.run/blobs/wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20211208.tar.xz
        - name: ARTIFACTS_LOCATION
          value: "https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-linux-compat/snapshot"

Configure FelixConfiguration resource for each control plane node

Wireguard encryption should not be enabled for the OCP control plane nodes (a.k.a. master nodes). Configure control plane node specific FelixConfiguration resources to disable Wireguard encryption for those nodes.

# example config
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f-
apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: FelixConfiguration
  name: node.<NODE_NAME>
  logSeverityScreen: Info
  reportingInterval: 0s
  wireguardEnabled: false
  wireguardEnabledV6: false

An example script to configure the FelixConfiguration resource for each control plane node.

MASTER_NAMES=($(kubectl get nodes -l node-role.kubernetes.io/master= -ojsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'))
for name in ${MASTER_NAMES[@]};do
  cat <<EOF | oc apply -f-
  apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
  kind: FelixConfiguration
    name: node.$name
    logSeverityScreen: Info
    reportingInterval: 0s
    wireguardEnabled: false
    wireguardEnabledV6: false

Example output

➜  oc get -n tigera-wireguard-kmod all
NAME                                               READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pod/tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m   1/1     Running     0          51m   # <-- ds pod
pod/tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-khg6z   1/1     Running     0          51m   # <-- ds pod
pod/tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-pvwqv   1/1     Running     0          51m   # <-- ds pod
pod/wireguard-kmod-driver-build-1-build            0/1     Completed   0          53m   # <- build pod

NAME                                                    DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR                     AGE
daemonset.apps/tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container   3         3         3       3            3           node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=   51m

NAME                                                         TYPE     FROM         LATEST
buildconfig.build.openshift.io/wireguard-kmod-driver-build   Docker   Dockerfile   1

NAME                                                     TYPE     FROM         STATUS     STARTED          DURATION
build.build.openshift.io/wireguard-kmod-driver-build-1   Docker   Dockerfile   Complete   53 minutes ago   2m0s

NAME                                                             IMAGE REPOSITORY                                                                                         TAGS     UPDATED
imagestream.image.openshift.io/wireguard-kmod-driver-container   image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/tigera-wireguard-kmod/wireguard-kmod-driver-container   latest   51 minutes ago
➜  wireguard-kmmo git:(master) ✗ oc exec -it -n tigera-wireguard-kmod pod/tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m -- bash
[root@tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m wireguard]# journalctl --unit=wireguard.service
-- Logs begin at Tue 2022-09-06 15:48:26 UTC, end at Tue 2022-09-06 16:03:28 UTC. --
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m systemd[1]: Starting Wireguard KMMO - ...
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: Loading kernel modules using the kernel module container...
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: /etc/wireguard/wireguard-kmod-load.sh 4.18.0-305.49.1.el8_4.x86_64
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: INFO: Loading kernel module: udp_tunnel
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: libkmod: kmod_module_get_holders: could not open '/sys/module/acpi_cpufreq/holders': No such file or directory
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: INFO: Kernel module udp_tunnel already loaded
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: INFO: Loading kernel module: ip6_udp_tunnel
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: INFO: Kernel module ip6_udp_tunnel already loaded
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: INFO: Loading kernel module: wireguard
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: libkmod: kmod_module_get_holders: could not open '/sys/module/intel_uncore/holders': No such file or directory
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m bash[54]: INFO: Kernel module wireguard already loaded
Sep 06 15:48:27 tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m systemd[1]: Started Wireguard KMMO - .
[root@tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m wireguard]# lsmod | grep wireguard
wireguard             212992  0
ip6_udp_tunnel         16384  1 wireguard
udp_tunnel             20480  1 wireguard
[root@tigera-wireguard-kmod-driver-container-5wv4m wireguard]#