
A tool for converting Scratch 3 files to Python (Pygame).

Primary LanguagePython


NOTE: sb3 to py is no longer activly maintained.

sb3-to-py is a command line tool for converting Scratch 3 files (.sb3) to Python (Pygame). sb3-to-py is released only as a proof of concept.

Please let me know if you would like to use this tool in the future, test it or help/contribute. If you decide to use this and find any errors, please open up a new issue here, so I will work on fixing it as soon as I can.

Example Usage

git clone Screen Shot 2020-12-18 at 8 10 17 PM

Convert a python file from a scratch file:

foo:~$ python3 sb3-to-py foo/bar/Documents/mygame.sb3
Reading file...
Converting code...
Rendering sprites...
Packaging python...
Conversion success! Saved in foo/bar/Documents/mygame.py

For further and more advansed usage/documentation, check out the wiki.


sb3-to-py requires these dependencies in order to function:

  • json, os, zipfile (all builtin to python)

Your game generated by sb3-to-py requires these dependencies in order to function:

  • os, time, random, sys (all builtin to python)
  • pygame (download here)
  • pynanosvg (download here)