This project is used to convert GitBook exported data into a React SPA. It can help you to read GitBook document locally.
To serve document locally, simply run:
docker run -p 8080:80 tgexternal/document:latest
Then access from http://localhost:8080/
- build SPA:
make release/doc
- build docker image:
make docker-image
Check makefile for more details.
There are two parts of this project:
- Go parser and code generator under the root
- React template under
The workflow is shown as below:
├── formatter.go # Entry point of formatting tsx files
├── fs.go # I/O utility helper
├── h.go # Element generator
├── index_generator.go # Generate indexing files from GitBook for full-text search
├── node.go # Traverse JSON data node
├── static # For static files, like favicon and logo
├── template.go # General template
├── render.go # Transform JSON data node into React element
└── react-project-template # React code for rendering
└── components # React components
├── block # Components for different types of GitBook content
├── Sider.tsx # The layout of SPA
└── Search.tsx # Full-text search components
├── fonts # Font files
└── lib # Utility
├── CreateMathComponent.tsx # Math and formula helper
├── OnHover.tsx # Wrapper for hovering component
├── checkType.ts # Element tag matcher
├── findChildType.ts # Recursively find the matching first element with tag
├── findPage.ts # Search page information from revision.json
├── mergeClassName.ts # Merge class name
└── renderFileSize.ts # File size helper
├── package.json
├── server.js # For local testing after running `yarn build` in `/build_temp/src`
└── styles # CSS files
The flow from extracting JSON data to generate React template(.tsx)
makeTSX (main.go) -> Parser (formatter.go) -> Render (node.go) -> render.go