
Graphically Represent any CSV File

Primary LanguageJava


project07 created for tigeriv

Brief description of submitted files:


Stores a linked list of generic nodes, as many as the user wants
isEmpty() returns whether the head is null
add(T inputCountry) takes a generic T and adds it to the end of the list
contains(T inputCountry) checks if name of T can be found in the list and returns the country
toString() returns a string of info about every node in list
getIndex(int index) returns the country at a specified index
insertAtIndex(T iC, int index) inserts a specified T at a specified index


A single object stores a node, and can also store the next node
Appropriate setters and getters for each parameter


An object consists of a year and the double array of subscriptions for the year
Getters and setters, and a toString() function


One object contains a linked list of type Subscription Year, holding all country data
addSubscriptionYear() Adds a subscription year to the linked list
getNumSubscriptionsForPeriod() Returns total subscriptions in a period
toString() Returns a string representation of the country


Scans the csv file, and creates a 2d double array cellularDataTable of subscriptions by year by country
getCountryNames() returns country names
getYearLabels() returns year labels
getParsedTable() returns the cellular data table


Contains the main function
Tests the classes included in the submission by adding countries and printing the output


A CSV (Comma Separated Value) file.
Containts the World Development Indicator values for countries by year
For some reason, this automatically opens in excel, so I have to use it as a .txt file instead


console output of TestCountryList.java


description of submitted files