
Temporal LiDAR Frame Prediction for Autonomous Driving

Primary LanguagePython

Temporal LiDAR Frame Prediction for Autonomous Driving

David Deng and Avideh Zakhor


In 3DV 2020


This code is tested on Python 3.6.9, PyTorch 1.4.0, CUDA 10.2, and Pop!_OS 18.04. There are also dependencies on Python packages like Scipy and TensorBoard. To evaluate, we recommend you have at least 5 GB of GPU memory available, and to train, we recommend 24 GB.

To compile the CUDA kernels for flownet3d_pytorch and PyTorchEMD, run the following commands:

cd lib
python setup.py install
cd ../PyTorchEMD
python setup.py install
cp build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6/emd_cuda.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so .
cd ..


Data preparation

Download the nuScenes dataset and extract to /path/to/nuscenes. Then run python save_batches.py with the appropriate arguments to preprocess the data. This may take a while, especially on the training data.

python save_batches.py --nuscenes_dir /path/to/nuscenes --mode train
python save_batches.py --nuscenes_dir /path/to/nuscenes --mode val
python save_batches.py --nuscenes_dir /path/to/nuscenes --mode test

We've also included an example processed point cloud sequence in each of the data directories. Feel free to remove it if you intend to download the dataset.


To train, run python train.py. You can can adjust the input arguments. The defaults are what we used to train EC w/o DS. The model is saved as checkpoint.tar.


To test the pretrained models, run test.py specifying which model you want to test and the location of the tar file. For example, to test PN++ w/ DS, you would run:

python test.py --model PNPPDS --checkpoint models/pnppds_f3.tar 


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

    title = {Temporal LiDAR Frame Prediction for Autonomous Driving},
    author = {Deng, David and Zakhor, Avideh},
    booktitle = {International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},
    year = {2020},


This code is based on dgcnn, flownet3d_pytorch, pyTorchChamferDistance, and PyTorchEMD.