
Create a horror movie watchlist

Primary LanguageC#

Fear Generator

Create a watch list for the spooky season with all your horror movie favorites!

By Anna Clarke, Melissa Schatz-Miller, Diego Serafico

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • .NET 5
  • NuGet


This web application will allow users to create horror subgenres to organize their horror movie watch list. They can then add movies to each subgenre, giving each one a rating, number of stars, release year etc. Users can edit movies and search for a movie by title.

Technology Requirements

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repository to your desktop
  • Open in text editor
  • Create appsettings.json in /FearGenerator/ directory
  • Copy this code into appsettings.json, replacing YOUR_PASSWORD with your MySQL password:
  "ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=fear_generator;uid=root;pwd=YOUR_PASSWORD;"
  • open new terminal and run SQL ($ mysql -uroot -p{your_password})
  • open MySQL Workbench
  • _In the Navigator > Administration window, select Data Import/Restore.
  • In Import Options select Import from Self-Contained File
  • Navigate to fear_generator.sql
  • Under Default Schema to be Imported To, select the New button & Enter fear_generator as name of database
  • Click Ok
  • Navigate to the tab called Import Progress and click Start Import at the bottom right corner of the window
  • After you are finished with the above steps, reopen the Navigator > Schemas tab. Right click and select Refresh All. The fear_generator database should appear.
  • In terminal, navigate into Fear-Generator.Solution/FearGenerator/ and enter the command $ dotnet restore, to install necessary packages
  • enter command $ dotnet build, to build program
  • enter command $ dotnet run, to view program in your browser
  • follow instructions on the website and have a spooky time!


Thanks to @Gwannon on Github for bloody text styling

Known Bugs

  • Delete functionality coming soon!



Contact Information


Anna Clarke: anclarkie@gmail.com
🍃 Melissa Schatz-Miller: melissa.scmi@gmail.com
Diego Serafico: dseraficohernandez@gmail.com 🍃


Thanks to https://github.com/gwannon/Survival-horror-theme-css for bloody text styling