Parcel Shipping Cost Calculator

What in the world is in that BOX, what you got in that BOX?

By Melissa Schatz-Miller

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .NET 5
  • MSTest
  • NuGet
  • ASP.NET Core


Practice project for creating MVC web apps.


Technology Requirements


  • Restore and build the project:
    • Navigate to the Parcels.Solution/Parcels folder in the command line or terminal -- Run the command dotnet restore to restore the project dependencies -- Run the command dotnet build to build and compile the project
  • Run Console App:
    • Navigate to the Parcels.Solution/Parcels folder in the terminal
    • Run the command dotnet run
    • The application will run in the console

Known Bugs

  • Nada


GPL Copyright (c) 2021, Melissa Schatz-Miller

Contact Information

Melissa Schatz-Miller