(Application Name)

(Brief Description of Application)

By (Your Name Here)

Technologies Used

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  • the major technologies
  • you used in your project
  • here


Setup/Installation Requirements

  • This is a great place
  • to list setup instructions
  • in a simple
  • easy-to-understand
  • format

Known Bugs

  • Any known issues
  • should go here


Contact Information

General Idea:


  • Return message when user selects event that is not currently happening
  • link event coord with map coord
  • link catagories with image search
  • style the hell out this
  • link weather to coord.
  • add random person generator


  • Same Day Martian vacation service: visit earth
  • Natural disasters/weather as tourist attractions
  • Return Trip Passport/Manifest: show your human avatar, your destination, etc.

APIs we might use: https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ <= random human face https://eonet.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/v2.1 <= earth natural events https://mars.nasa.gov/insight/weather/ <= mars weather? https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/donki/ <= space weather http://epic.gsfc.nasa.gov/ <= images to use for fun when you hit go or something

http://worldtimeapi.org/ -allow the user to select a timezone and view the current day and time on earth


  • allow the user to browse current natural events by category



// API Stuff

  1. Call EONET API to find available "attractions" Category: 6- drought 7- dust and haze 8- wildfires 9- floods 10- severe storms 12- volcanoes 13- water color 14- landslides 15- sea and lake ice 16- earthquakes 17- snow 18- temperature extremes 19- manmade -allow the user to choose their category and view x# of current results Example call: https://eonet.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/api/v2.1/categories/19?status=open&limit=5 -provide the user with a few random suggested "vacations" Example call: https://eonet.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/api/v2.1/events?status=open&limit=5

  2. Call OpenWeather API to find the weather at that attraction's location

  3. *Optional: Call Unsplash API to find image to match attraction

  4. *Optional: Call Insight API to find the weather on Mars--for your trip to the transporter

  5. Call thispersondoesnotexist API to get a disguise

// Other Stuff 6. Compile & Present Trip Manifest, including destination [with event image??], weathers, and your new face