Describe: wordCounter()

Test: "It should return 0 for a string that is only spaces."
Code: wordCounter("            ");
Expected Output: 0

Test: "It should return 1 if a passage has just one word."
const text = "hello";
Expected Output: 1

Test: "It should return 2 if a passage has two words."
const text = "hello there";
Expected Output: 2

Test: "It should not count numbers as words."
Code: wordCounter("hi there 77 19");
Expected Output: 2

Describe: numberOfOccurrencesInText()
Test: "It should return 0 occurrences of a word for an empty string."
const text = "";
const word = "red";
numberOfOccurrencesInText(word, text);
Expected Output: 0

Test: "It should return 1 occurrence of a word when the word and the text are the same."
const text = "red";
const word = "red";
numberOfOccurrencesInText(word, text);
Expected Output: 1

Test: "It should return the number of occurrences of a word."
const text = "red blue red red red green";
const word = "red";
numberOfOccurrencesInText(word, text);
Expected Output: 4 

Test: "It should return a word match regardless of case."
const text = "red RED Red green Green GREEN";
const word = "Red";
numberOfOccurrencesInText(word, text);
Expected Output: 3

Test: "It should return a word match regardless of punctuation."
const text = "Red! Red. I like red, green, and yellow.";
const word = "Red";
numberOfOccurrencesInText(word, text);
Expected Output: 3

Test: "If any empty string is passed in as a word, it should return 0."
const word = "";
const text = "red RED Red!";
wordCounter(word, text);
Expected Output: 0

Describe: boldPassage()

Test: "It should return a non-matching word in a p tag."
const word = "hello";
const text = "yo";
boldPassage(word, text);
Expected Output: "<p>yo</p>"

Test: "It should return a matching word in a b tag."
const word = "hello";
const text = "hello";
boldPassage(word, text);
Expected Output: "<p><b>hello</b></p>"

Test: "It should wrap words that match in `b` tags but not words that don't."
const word = "hello";
const text = "hello there";
boldPassage(word, text);
Expected Output: "<p><b>hello</b> there</p>"