
Simple subtle persistent pomodoro app - Swift for MacOS

Primary LanguageSwift


WTF is clockfloat

Clockfloat is a simple, simple date and time window that simply sits on top of all other applications displaying the current date and time.

Why would I want this?

Personally, I hate the menu bar. I hate the dock.

Modern OS Design

Out of the box, MacOS has a menu bar and dock, always visible by default, eating up valuable space on your screen. It made sense on the boxy square screens of the 90s, it is justifiable on a tablet like the iPad that operates mostly in portrait layout. But on a modern desktop or laptop display where the vertical axis has been squeezed in favour of a widescreen 16:9 or 16:10 layout, not one but two bars across the screen is unforgivable. Get rid of them!

The problem

Most people hide the dock. But losing the menubar and the clock along with it held me back for years. And I expect I’m not the only one.