
rootlessJB with official Filza and Apps Manager (with rootlessJB author permission)

Primary LanguageC



unc0ver Jailbreak released (http://github.com/pwn20wndstuff/Undecimus). it is full and stable jailbreak. Please install it and install Filza File Manager from repo http://tigisoftware.com/cydia/


Blah blah, read this: How to make a jailbreak without a filesystem remount as r/w

  • Powered by jelbrekLib


  • All A9-A11 devices
  • All A7-A8 devices

To be supported (sorted by priority)

  • A12 devices


Usage notes

  • voucher_swap is used for 16K devices, and v3ntex for 4K ones.
  • Binaries are located in: /var/containers/Bundle/iosbinpack64
  • Launch daemons are located in /var/containers/Bundle/iosbinpack64/LaunchDaemons
  • /var/containers/Bundle/tweaksupport contains a filesystem simulation where tweaks and stuff get installed
  • Symlinks include: /var/LIB, /var/ulb, /var/bin, /var/sbin, /var/Apps, /var/libexec

All executables must have at least these two entitlements:

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
  • Tweaks and stuff get installed in: /var/containers/Bundle/tweaksupport the same way you did with Electra betas.
  • Tweaks must be patched using the patcher script provided. (Mac/Linux/iOS only) or manually with a hex editor
  • Apps get installed in /var/Apps and later you need to run /var/containers/Bundle/iosbinpack64/usr/bin/uicache (other uicache binaries won't work)

iOS 12

  • amfid is patched, however it'll require you to resign everything with a cert. Use codesign -s 'IDENTITY' --entitlements /path/to/entitlements.xml --force /path/to/binary or inject everything as usual. However note that soon I won't be injecting stuff automatically on jailbreak anymore!
  • You can tweak App Store apps, but you'll either have to call jailbreakd's fixMmap() yourself or resign things with a real cert and amfid will handle that for you. Second option is preferred. See previous point on how to.
  • This is not dangerous and cannot screw you up.
  • Tweaks pre-patched for rootlessJB 1.0 and 2.0 will not work. Use new patcher script. (ldid was replaced with ldid2!)


  • Added a modified dpkg (https://github.com/limneos/dpkg/) that automatically handles patching, moving, entitling, trusting ,app-installation and daemon injection for debs
  • Added recompiled dropbear v2018.76 customized for rootlessJB with fixed shell (still accepts --shell) , additional --path option to set ssh-exported path, correct scp paths and motd.
  • Added recompiled ldid2, plutil, bintools (nm,strings,diff)
  • Added tweaks check on re-jailbreaking to re-enable apps and daemons

Deb files

  • Some packages are taken from CoolStar' Electra repo

patcher usage: ./patcher /path/to/deb /path/to/output_folder

Thanks to: Ian Beer, Brandon Azad, Jonathan Levin, Electra Team, IBSparkes, Sam Bingner, Sammy Guichelaar.