
github action wrapping a typical docker build for a tignis app.


github action wrapping a typical docker build for a tignis app. This workflow assumes that you will tag images based on the git commit hash for pull requests and pushes to branches, and for releases it will use the semver tag of the release.

Below is an example of how to use this action.

name: ci

      - 'main'
      - 'main'
    types: [created]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Build and Push docker image
        uses: tignis/docker-github-action@v1.2.1
          images: |
          acr-username: ${{ secrets.AZURE_APP_ID_ACR }}
          acr-password: ${{ secrets.AZURE_PASSWORD_ACR }}
          pip-extra-index-url: ${{secrets.PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL}}"

Input options

images: A list of names to use to tag your image with. Should be a multiline string with each line containing a single name.

push: Boolean to determine if the image should be pushed to the remote repoistory. Defaults to true.

acr-username: The username to use to login to acr. Fetch this value from a github secret.

acr-password: The password to use to login to acr. Fetch this value from a github secret.

acr-registry-url: The url of which repository to use in ACR. Default to tignis.azurecr.io.

pip-extra-index-url: The extra index url for pip to fetch packages from our jfrog repository. Fetch this value from a secret.

docker-build-context: What directory to use as the build context for docker. Defaults to the current directory. Note: If changinge the build context, ensure that the dockerfile parameter described below is also adjusted to be prefixed with the build context. For example if you have docker-build-context: ./tignis/app,then you'll also likely set dockerfile: ./tignis/app/dockerfile too.

dockerfile: The name of the Dockerfile to use. Default to Dockerfile. Note:: This path is always from the root of the repository, not from the root of the build-context.

platforms: A comma separated list of platforms to build images for. Defaults to linux/amd64,linux/arm64.

tag-prefix: A prefix to add to the generated image tag. Defaults to an empty string.


tag: The image tag that was generated.