Improved Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template

Primary LanguageTeX

Simplified LNCS Template

This repository aims to provide a quick start into modern LaTeXing with LNCS. This template is based on the one available at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0

Quick start

  • Click on Download ZIP or here
  • Extract template.zip in the folder where you want to write your paper
  • Edit paper.tex.
  • latexmk -pdf paper.tex

Changes in comparison to Springer's version

  • Removal of all files except llncs.cls and splncs03.bst
  • Adding a skeletton paper.tex file
  • Adding modern packages such as microtype, cleveref, csquotes, paralist, hyperref, hypcap, cfr-lm
  • Support of copy and paste from the generated PDF: Glyphs are encoded using unicode characters.
  • Support for \powerset command
  • Allow copy and paste of text without getting words with ligatures such as "workflow" destroyed

Using with your git repository


This howto assumes that you don't have a git repository for your paper yet. If you have, just add https://github.com/latextemplates/LNCS.git as upstream and merge the branch "template" into your "master" branch.

  1. Open command line
  2. git clone https://github.com/latextemplates/LNCS.git
  3. cd LNCS
  4. git remote rename origin github
  5. git checkout -b master

After that you can use and push the master branch as usual.