This Terraform module configures Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) for a specified domain. It sets up DKIM, DMARC, advanced delivery dashboard, and proper MAIL FROM records.
module "ses" {
source = "tigpt/ses/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
domain = "" ## Your domain to configure SES
zone_id = aws_route53_zone.primary.zone_id ## Zone ID of your hostedzone for this domain
quarentine_email = "" ## Email to use for dmarc quarentine
providers = {
aws.domain = aws.usw2 ## Use only 'aws' if you deploy all in one account, or use another provider if domain is in a differnt account, check the complete example folder for more details.
Do you want to help me maintain this module? Buy an AWS SES t-shirt!
(DKIM records)aws_route53_record
(DMARC record)aws_sesv2_account_vdm_attributes
(MAIL FROM MX record)aws_route53_record
(MAIL FROM SPF record)
- Complete SES with multiple account setup.
Report issues/questions/feature requests on in the issues section.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
domain | Domain to use with SES | string | n/a | yes |
zone_id | Zone ID for the Route 53 resource | string | n/a | yes |
quarentine_email | Quarantine email for DMARC | string | n/a | yes |
tags | Tags for all resources | map(string) | {} | no |
Name | Alias | Description |
aws | The AWS provide | |
aws | domain | The AWS provider for the domain (if using a different account) |
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.7.2 |
aws | >= 5.34 |
Name | Version |
aws | >= 5.34 |
No outputs are defined for this module.
No modules.
Module is maintained by Tiago Rodrigues with help from these awesome contributors.
MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.