
Structure of Flask project easily used both for small and big apps. Includes great communication layer, between APP and client

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Structure of Flask project easily used both for small and big apps. Includes great communication layer, between APP and client.


I see a lot of questions from Flask beginners, how to add some content to every page.
How to write in DRY style in Flask, etc, etc.

But the point is, that most of people do it with function-based Views.
Well, actualy nothing wrong with it, you can decorate them, you can add pre-request and after-request handles. But common, this is a mess.
Is not it better to just add login_required=True to class definition of View and admin_required to class definition of AdminPage View instead of messing around with decorators?

So in my opinion in most cases View should be the extension of some Base View. This does not mean that you cannot use simple function-based view when you need.

Plus, the Flask framework itself and its documentation is great, but it does not provide a whole overview of a well structured project.


To test this on live you will need:

  1. Python, preferably 2.7, not tested with prior versions.
  2. virtualenv

a) Create new virtual env anywhere (but better not inside project itself) virtualenv starter-env
b) Activate it source starter-env/bin/activate
c) Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
d) Copy settings_default.py to settings.py
e) Run server: python runserver.py

Server will be started on localhost:8080 port, to adjust it modify runserver.py ###Live demo Also, you can view some examples at http://flask-starter-demo.tigranet.com

###Dependencies Babel used by forms and lately i18n support will be explained.
Pygments used for syntax highlight , so if you dont need it you can remove supplied Main blueprint and uninstall pygments with pip


So, as been told, One View to Rule Them All.
Too bad, OVtRTA sucks as a name


Flask-Starter utilizes Flask blueprints.
You can use blueprints as separate applications, attach a blueprint to a specific subdomain, etc.
But you also can use blueprints for grouping logic.
For example: User blueprint for all user-related tasks and models.

File Structure

On top-level of project there are settings files and runserver.py, it is also a good place to put production starter for gunicorn or other WSGI server.

settings.py is a base settings file.
settings_production.py can extend/overwrite settings defined in first one.
To load settings_production.py you should specify it's path in enviroenment variable specified in settings.py
For example, by default in settings.py ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_VAR="STARTER_CONFIG"
So by running
export STARTER_CONFIG="/path/to/settings_production.py" before python runserver.py this settings file also will be loaded.
On production I advise to use supervisor and with it you can just specify environment=STARTER_CONFIG="/path/to/settings_production.py" inside task definition


/core stores base View and other additional functions, the idea that everything can be done without touching /core, but you for sure can if you want, it is also one of the reasons, why I don't want to put this Starter to pypi, it is not module, it is not library. It is Starter-project which you can modify however you want

  • /static used for storing static files
  • /media usualy used for user-uploaded files
  • /main Blueprint with demos. You can just disable it in blueprints.py
  • /user Blueprint with user, good place to start on expanding model and registration.
  • /templates Store your templates here
  • views.py Default View, inhereted from core/View
    Use this file as start point to create your generic view
  • blueprints.py A place to load blueprints.


Jinja2 Templates inheritance, another great thing.
Take a look on index.html and modal_template.html

The View class decides which one to use as starting point via the extends_with attribute.
Want to use some other template as starting point for a View and its child Views? Just change this attribute on any level.

class AdminPage(MainPage):

(your User class should have .admin attribute or property for this to work)

Inside template always use {% extends extend_with %} in the beginning of .html file so you always can easily change parent template.


Bootstrap, jQuery and require.js included inside this Starter project, as well as examples.

You can take a look on examples (live page) by following this link: http://flask-starter-demo.tigranet.com

The core over there is RemoteModal and Requests integrated with Flask-Starter itself.
JS still requires some refactoring, but well, it works and very easy to use.
Meanwhile refer to this page or to the code for how-to-use.

You also can email me for questions or ask at stackoverflow with flask or flask-starter tags.
This documentation will be expanded as soon as possible base on your questions

Core View

Has different attributes, for controlling behaviour, display style and other.
Meanwhile please refer to it's definition, it's documented somehow.

Just some of available attributes for class definition:

  • login_required bool, view required login

  • track bool, default True, tracking for page
    Definition of tracking: every View has access to RequestTracker which stores the current and previous locations in session. They can be accessed by self.tracker.current, self.tracker.referrer and self.tracker.prev_referrer inside view. This has various usages. More documentation on this matter will come later. BTW, if track=False self.tracker.current actually refers to last tracked url, not current one.

  • template template to display for this View without need to redefine def get
    So minimal Class will look like this

class SimplePage(MainPage):

And if you want to add some functional and add something to context of it - yet again, no need to redefine get:

class SimplePage(MainPage):
	page_header="My Cool Simple Page"
	def prepare(*k,**kk	):
		self.context['some_data']="data comes here"

But if you want…you can, still simple. All the magic done on inner level, so if page will be requested as Modal -> it will be shown as modal.

class SimplePage(MainPage):
	page_header="My Cool Simple Page"
	def get(*k,**kk	):
		self.context['some_data']="data comes here"
		return render_template(self.template,**self.context)

**Another example of core View usage. **
It is often useful to set title, keywords, description to the page.

You can easily set it in your prepare (or get, or post) method:

def setMetatada(self,title=None,keywords=None,description=None,description_append=False,title_append_base=True,title_append_current=False,keywords_append_current=True):
    :param title:  New title
    :param keywords: New keywords
    :param description: New Description
    :param description_append: Should description be appended to base one?
    :param title_append_base:  Should title be appended to base one?
    :param title_append_current: Should title be appended to current one?
    :param keywords_append_current: Should keywords be appended to current one?

more to come…

You also can email Me for questions or ask at stackoverflow with flask or flask-starter tags.
This documentation will be expanded as soon as possible and will incorporate your questions.