
Universal benchmark utility (s3, http, file, syscalls)

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Goader intro

Why another benchmarks utility? All known to me utilities got flaws:

  • Too complex, UI or conffile based configuration to achieve wanted by everyone required effect
  • Simple CLI utilities do not simulate real life scenarios

What I mean by real scenarios:
I) At some point latency of your services grows, 500ms per request is not fun. So you try to optimize things or even change backend. Problem is, that all benchmarks have concurrent requests settings, but you dont really have this information
Information that you have - you got N requests per second and latency raised to X and X is not good. So when optimizing things it's important to know, what you will get with specific number of evenly distributed requests per second, not concurrent requests

II) You got your service up, you truly believe, that latency over 200ms is not usable. How many requests per second can it hold to maintain such latency? Yet again, concurrent requests does not answer this question

While both this scenarios is good enough reason for this benchmark utility to exist, they can be more complex, like 10 file PUTS, 100 GETS per second, or search for maximum concurrent threads with specific GET to PUT ration


  • Extendable architecture with support of multiple request engines
  • Simple url template, http://localhost/post/XXXXX. XXXXX will be replaced by incremental integers, (number of Xs>2)
  • Supports different output formatters, atm human|json, default is human
Request engines


  • disk Writes/Reads to/from disk. Support for O_DIRECT is planned (default engine).
  • meta Filesystem OPS against paths, supported right now: write, truncate, unlink, setattr, stat. Supports weighted distribution
  • null Does nothing, useful for testing utility itself. At the moment reaches 700k requests per/sec
  • sleep Requster. For testing, sleeps instead of making real requests, also has semaphore of 10 concurrent connections, this emulates database which is bottleneck in the test and often in real life
  • upload or http Uploads (by PUT) and GET files
  • s3 See --help for s3 params(bucket,keys,endpoint). -url stands for object key(with usual templating support) must provide endpoint, see list here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html or use endpoint of your custom object storage with s3 interface
URL Template
  • --url Defines url/file path template. XX (>=2 X-s) will be replaced with incremental numbers
    NN (>=2 N-s) in path will be replaced by random integers.
    RR (>=2 R-s) in path will be replaced by random a-zA-Z characters
    If no pattern specified same path will be used for all requests
  • --url-source File to read urls from, instead of --url template(built manually or generated by --written-urls-dump)
Output formatters


  • human Default, human readable output, also displays real time progress
  • json Outputs results as json for automatic use by other processes

--timeline-file=template.html When test done generates timelines of all requests, scale of X showed on top, X-scale represents time to process request, each line represents one request in order of emitting.
Meanwhile quick and dirty, more beautiful version in development

Other options
  • -max-requests Sets maximum requests count, defaults to 10000. (CTRL+C will abort and show stats)
  • -body-size Sets size for file sizes/post body sizes. Defaults to 160KiB, supports human formats, 1KiB for 1024 bytes, 1k/1kb for 1000 bytes
  • -rps Sets reads per seconds
  • -wps Sets writes per seconds
  • -wt Sets concurrent write threads
  • -rt Sets concurrent read threads
  • -max-latency Searches for maximum threads count with defined maximum latency, supports human format (1s, 300ms) Combination of -max-latency and -wt/-rt will set initial threads count, useful if you know where to start, starting from 1 can take time to heat up
  • -rpw Reads per writes in search for max throughput mode
  • -max-channels Sets maximum channel count, defaults to 500. May be useful if you got reasons to raise top threads count over 500
  • -stop-on-bad-rate Stops execution if cannot maintain given rps/wps. Defaults to false
  • -show-progress Displays progress of test execution. Defaults to true
  • -written-urls-dump Path to dump written(or read in read-only mode) files, so then can rerun as reads job
  • -mkdirs Will create directories in case path not found on-write
  • -fair-random Enables fair random engine. I.e with min-max sizes of 1-100 bytes 1 request of 100 bytes and 100 requests of 1 byte will be emitted on average.
  • -random-fair-buckets Divides(lineary) sizes range to N buckets and fairly distributes between them according to their weight. So with 0-4MB and default of 1000 buckets smallest request will be of 0-4096 bytes and largest between 4092kib-4096kib
  • -meta-ops Ops to emit in meta engine. Supported: write, truncate, unlink, mknod, setattr, stat, symlink, hardlink, rename. Can be specified multiple times or comma separated. Weight is supported with default of 1, i.e: -meta-ops=write,truncate:2,setattr:15,unlink:10,mknod:3


./goader -rps=30 -wps=30 --requests-engine=upload -url=
Will maintain 30 writes, 30 reads per second, aborts if cannot maintain such rate, incrementaly increases url(, ...)

./goader --max-latency=300ms --requests-engine=upload -url="" Will increase load gradually until reaching specified latency, useful for determining maximum throughput

./goader --max-latency=300ms -rt=0 --requests-engine=upload -url="" Same, but uploads only, no GETs

./goader -rpt=10 --max-latency=300ms --requests-engine=upload -url="" Will search for best PUT latency with read to write ratio 10, defaults to 1. Maximum PUTs threads also limited by max-channels param, defaults to 500

./goader -rt=200 -wt=30 --requests-engine=upload -url="" Will maintain 200 read, 30 write threads

./goader -rt=200 -wt=0 --requests-engine=upload -url="" Same, reads only.

In all load patterns if both reads and writes issued reads will use previously written data, if only read pattern used - then incremental filenames (or from urls list file), with reads only it is expected for files/urls to be there

Example output
./goader --max-latency=500ms --max-requests=10000 -rpw=10 --requests-engine=disk --url='tmp/XXX' --body-size=4k

Average response time: 537.25µs
Percentile 30 - 75.606µs
Percentile 40 - 80.12µs
Percentile 50 - 90.006µs
Percentile 60 - 107.548µs
Percentile 70 - 141.838µs
Percentile 80 - 216.89µs
Percentile 90 - 673.605µs
Percentile 95 - 2.238118ms
Threads with latency below 500ms: 106
Total requests: 1434
Total errors: 0
Average OP/s:  4222
Average good OP/s:  4222

Average response time: 299.565µs
Percentile 30 - 15.884µs
Percentile 40 - 16.913µs
Percentile 50 - 18.327µs
Percentile 60 - 20.154µs
Percentile 70 - 23.618µs
Percentile 80 - 32.561µs
Percentile 90 - 79.102µs
Percentile 95 - 1.353748ms
Threads with latency below 500ms: 500
Total requests: 8567
Total errors: 0
Average OP/s:  25068
Average good OP/s:  25068