
Primary LanguageCSS

Travel destination/taxonomy xml processor


  country = Destination.new('Australia', 109736)
  city    = Destination.new('Melbourne', 183626, country)
  city.history = 'Lorem ipsum....'
  city.write_template 'public/cities'
  bundle install --path gems
  bundle exec ./bin/create_pages.rb doc/taxonomy.xml doc/destinations.xml public/


If you have rake installed system wide, simply rake test. Otherwise bundle install --path gems && bundle exec rake test.


  • An XML stream listener was used rather than reading into memory for the destinations file due to expected large amount of data. The decision to read the taxonomy file into memory was on the assumption this file would be relatively small. The alternative is to process the taxonomy file again for each destination encountered, which is a performance hit. The trade of is performance for load, a decision I would need the full data set to make.
  • REXML was used purely as it comes stock with ruby. For long term, I would investigate other SAX parsers such as Nokogiri to determine if they are faster when dealing with the larger data set.
  • Slim was used as the templating for no real reason other than I was interested to have a look at it, since I've used ERB and HAML mostly until now, I saw this as an opportunity to try it out.


Danial Pearce