Responsive, accessible, animated, stylable with CSS circular progress bar available as plain (vanilla) JS and jQuery plugin.
- 2
Start animation in the browser's viewport
#36 opened by Ivan-Eremeev - 0
Resize SVG
#35 opened by to-lutz - 1
Change color
#34 opened by quatropf - 6
svelte : Passing function params
#33 opened by wennerryle - 2
- 5
Reverse percentage ?
#30 opened by florent-p - 2
Number of Segments in Circle
#28 opened by emorling - 2
how multi circle-progress style on one page
#29 opened by peebowl - 3
rerender svg
#27 opened by PanWcislo - 3
anticlockwise don't work!
#22 opened by brood09 - 2
text-format=“percent” prop not working
#23 opened by younochGain - 0
how to make it responsive
#26 opened by DarkFant - 4
Failed to set the "textFormat" property when using with Vue and custom function textFormat
#25 opened by nirpan - 2
Specifying Properties When Importing from CDN
#21 opened by emmavray - 2
css id's on svg no longer working?
#20 opened by Phil67ago - 1
Changes not working in html
#24 opened by KaviHarjani - 2
Hi I have some question about circle-progress.
#18 opened by legion7298 - 2
- 3
Method to replay the animation
#17 opened by thanhquocuit - 3
Change progress color based on value
#15 opened by christiancazzaro - 3
Split % symbol from value
#14 opened by kulbabskyy - 2
Question: Can I apply more circles on the same element, connected to each other in a kind of chain?
#13 opened by p4535992 - 1
Counting text animation
#9 opened by kulbabskyy - 8
I have one question about using gradient effect with your circle-progress css like below picture.
#8 opened by legion7298 - 1
Can set value as Indeterminate
#12 opened by CeloHill - 1
Half Circle Progress Like Guage
#11 opened by WajahatRana789 - 3
#4 opened by jiekoyue - 3
Updating startAngle is not animated
#3 opened by noel-schenk - 3
Additional text below the value
#2 opened by ScanThemes - 6
Excellent script! Congrats!!!
#1 opened by inglesuniversal