
The EVM class in this module provides functionality related to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

EVM Runtime Module

The EVM class in this module provides functionality related to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It extends the IRuntime interface from the '@kyve/core' package and provides methods to fetch and format blockchain data.


  • Fetching specific blockchain data items
  • Formatting fetched data
  • Setting network settings
  • Generating authorization headers for Coinbase Cloud endpoints


Class Name and Version

The name and version properties are defined from the package.json file.

Method Descriptions

getDataItem(core: Node, key: string): Promise

This method takes a Node and a key as parameters and returns a Promise that resolves to a DataItem. This method is responsible for:

  • Setting up the network settings
  • Generating authorization headers for Coinbase Cloud endpoints
  • Setting up the web3 provider
  • Fetching the blockchain data item
  • Formatting and returning the fetched data

getNextKey(key: string): Promise

This method takes a key as a parameter and returns a Promise that resolves to a string. It's responsible for determining the next key.

formatValue(value: any): Promise

This method takes a value as a parameter and returns a Promise that resolves to a string. It formats the fetched value.

generateCoinbaseCloudHeaders(core: Node): Promise

This private method takes a Node as a parameter and returns a Promise that resolves to an object. It's responsible for generating the required authorization headers for Coinbase Cloud endpoints.


Please refer to the documentation in the respective methods for more details on their usage.


  • @kyve/core: This package is used for the 'IRuntime' interface and 'DataItem' and 'Node' types.
  • ethers: This package provides the Ethereum JavaScript API and is used for setting up the web3 provider.

Package Details

  • Name: EVM Runtime Module
  • Version: As defined in package.json


Before you can use the EVM runtime module, you need to install the required dependencies in your project.

npm install @kyve/core ethers