
getf tfp0 on iOS 11.2 - 11.4.1

Primary LanguageObjective-C


In the end it wasn't exactly just copy&pasting v0rtex and jelbrekTime :o

  • tested on 11.2.6
  • works up to 11.4.1
  • gets you tfp0
Make sure to connect a lightning to headphone jack adapter prior to running this on a device without headphone jack!

It is by no means necessary, but adds the missing flair ;)

Offsets hardcoded for: Darwin Kernel Version 17.4.0: Fri Dec 8 19:35:52 PST 2017; root:xnu-4570.40.9~1/RELEASE_ARM64_S5L8960X
Get your own if you wanna run it on something else ;)

Exploit relies on a specific structure of ipc_port_t, it might be neccessary to update more than just offsets, if that changed in iOS 12.
One technique used here stopped working in iOS 12 because of the changes made to os_refcnt

PS: If you run the project as it is it might end up in a black screen after the app exits. Device shouldn't panic, just doublepress the home button to get back to the app launcher and close the app.

Special thanks to: