
Build web server and interface based on node and MySQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build web server and development interface based on node and MySQL


git clone https://github.com/xudao520/node-serve.git;


cd node-serve;
npm install;
node app;


  1. Before node app command need install mysql .

     npm install mysql;
  2. You can use sql(the directory is ./sql/example.sql) to build database and tables(if you use the sql file please skip option 3)

  3. Need to build a database and a new user table (test fields are id, username, sex) .

     Find file dataBase.js(the directory is ./routes/dataBase.js) and open this js file;
     var pool = mysql.createPool({
         host: '',//default host is
         user: '',//default user is root
         password: '',//default pwd is 123456
         database: '',//default database is example
         port: 3306 //default port is 3306
     Just complete the parameters according to the rules.


When you finish the above tips and run the server can open the browser 
input (test example: http://localhost:3000/user/getUser) you will find everything is OK.