
We shall be building some basic systems on this repo by using Laravel for API development

Primary LanguagePHP

About The Project

We will build a mini, yet complete, laravel API. It will consist of the following:

  • User authentication using Passport
  • Confirmation email after registration
  • Processing multiple data with queue and jobs
  • Cron jobs to perform recurrent operations
  • Clean Code
  • More and more will be added

Setting Up

Please make sure you have composer installed on your system and a DBMS like phpmyadmin etc

  • Clone the repo and on your local (machine) cd into the repo folder
  • Copy .env.example file into .env
  • Set the database credentials in .env file
  • Run composer install to install the dependencies and packages
  • Run php artisan migrate to create the required database tables
  • Run composer install to install the dependencies and packages
  • Run php artisan passport:install to install passport package


This is a list of all packages installed in the project (will be updated later):

  • Laravel/Passport
  • Doctrine/Dbal
  • Please note this file will be updated as time goes on