
Login with TikTok Button — Javascript SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TikAPI OAuth Popup

The authorization process is done through browser events, and the events are posted directly on your website.


Firstly, include the Popup script before the end of the html body.

<script src="https://tikapi.io/assets/js/popup.js"></script>

You can open the OAuth window by calling the function like this:

	client_id: "c_1234567890",
	//scope: ['VIEW_PROFILE', 'USER_MESSAGES'], (optional)

Now you're all set, you can now listen to user login events and get the user info like this


A successful example

	access_token: "C5BGTXRtQs7jiy4CNURuwLXbDxRl2VIk"
	client_id: "c_1234567890"
	message: "Authorization has been completed successfully."
	scope: ["VIEW_PROFILE"]
	state: undefined
	type: "success"
	userInfo: {
		avatar: "https://uploads.tikapi.io/avatars/c8f3f02070fc613e0b663b2d33b366f9.jpeg?v=1606338347"
		birthday: ""
		followers_count: 0
		followings_count: 0
		gender: 0
		id: "6845742198232105989"
		nickname: "user9155470419087"
		sec_user_id: "MS4wLjABAAAA77cXhkB15fV7rqAAMI0zGK_R1OaW8NjnVoO8ZIg8qfUm0d_XUs31QqEql3WVsDc8"
		user_verified: false
		username: "demoapi"

Failure example

	client_id: "c_1234567890"
	message: "Authorization has been canceled by user."
	type: "error"