Alan directory of open sources project
1.Trino segment connector - Java This project conatining a custom scarlar function for segment on trino
- Java
- Trino/Presto architecture
2.Crawl data from batdongsan Simple crawler to incrementally update data from batdongsan
- Python
- Crawler
3.Trino fx rate function (private) Function to get fx rate from trino
- Java
- Trino/Presto architecture
4.Analytics Slack Bot (private) Bot to get analytics information from the database
- Dependency injection
- Spring Boot
5.CLI Toolset(currently RSS reader) To read daily news from cli, with proper database and feeds management:
- Python
- Typer : CLI app making
6.BDS Crawler using Pupeteer / ExpressJS Simple API to crawl data and return result in TypeScript
- Typescript
- Pupeteer
7.Cloudflare Worker Telegram chatbot
- Chatbot that depends 100% on cloudflare worker, no EC2 required
- Currently support get fx rate