
Ruby on Rails Web-Application to manage all connected KNX devices belonging to a KNX bus.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This web application belongs to the bachelor thesis "Web-Frontend für KNX- basierte Home Automation-Installationen mit ereignisgesteuerter Aktualisierung über WebSockets" by Tim Kohlstadt. The application can be used to manage all connected KNX devices belonging to a KNX bus. The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences is currently using this web application to diagnose and manage their KNX and EnOcean actuators and sensors in several auditoriums. However, the communication of this web application with the KNX devices is fundamentally based on the RubyGem "knx4r" by Prof. Dr. Heinz Werntges, which hasn't been published yet.

System dependencies


Set actors, sensors and devices in:


Install Ruby

\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
rvm install ruby-2.7.1
rvm --default use ruby-2.7.1
gem update --system

Install Bundles

cd /path/to/knx_administration
export RAILS_ENV=production HOST_IP=own_ip_address KNX_CONNECTION=0
gem install --local knx4r-0.8.11.gem
gem install bundler
bundle config set without 'development'

Setup your database in the project

Change the path to your socket in the default settings (line 12) and the username in the production settings (line 47):

nano config/database.yml

Generate a new secret key and write it together with your database password in the credentials:

rm config/credentials.yml.enc
bin/rails secret
EDITOR=vim bundle exec rails credentials:edit --environment production
secret_key_base: new_generated_key
    password: own_database_password

    password: own_test_database_password

Or set an environment variable: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html#configuring-a-database

Database creation

bundle exec rails db:create

Database initialization

bundle exec rails db:migrate
SEEDS=1 bundle exec rails db:seed

Precompile assets

bundle exec rails assets:precompile

How to run the application

Run redis and the puma webserver:

redis-server &
KNX_CONNECTION=1 bundle exec rails s


URL: http://localhost:3000/en/login

Example user: 'admin'

Example password: '123456'

Login screen

Lighting widgets

How to run the test suite

Run normal tests:

RAILS_ENV=test bin/rails test

Run system tests:

RAILS_ENV=test bin/rails test:system

Run normal and system tests together:

RAILS_ENV=test bin/rails test:system test


KNX-Administration is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE-file for details.


Copyright (c) 2020 Tim Kohlstadt.