

PETAce-Network defines abstract network communication interfaces. It is one of the many components in the framework PETAce.

Currently, PETAce-Network instantiate the network communication interface using the socket protocol and client-side network agent based on gRPC.


System Toolchain
Linux Clang++ (>= 5.0) or GNU G++ (>= 5.5), CMake (>= 3.15)
Optional dependency Tested version Use
GoogleTest 1.12.1 For running tests
gRPC 1.62.1 For agent-assisted network

Building PETAce-Network

We assume that all commands presented below are executed in the root directory of PETAce-Network.

To build PETAce-Network library (optionally with test and example):

cmake --build build

PETAce-Network supports network agents based on gRPC. Here we provide the following scripts to help users install gRPC. Assume that gRPC is cloned into the directory ${gRPC} and will be installed to the directory ${gRPC_INSTALL_DIR}.

cmake --build ${gRPC}/build -j
cmake --build ${gRPC}/build --target install

Then, build PETAce-Network library with extra configuration(optionally with test and example):

cmake --build build

Output binaries can be found in build/lib/ and build/bin/ directories.

Compile Options Values Default Description
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release/Debug Release Debug mode decreases run-time performance.
NETWORK_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON/OFF OFF Build a shared library if set to ON.
NETWORK_BUILD_EXAMPLE ON/OFF ON Build C++ example if set to ON.
NETWORK_BUILD_TEST ON/OFF ON Build C++ test if set to ON.
NETWORK_BUILD_DEPS ON/OFF ON Download and build unmet dependencies if set to ON.
NETWORK_BUILD_AGENT ON/OFF OFF Build agent-assisted network if set to ON.

Running the PETAce-Network protocol

Here we give a simple example to run our socket protocol.

To run as Party A:

./build/bin/network_example 8899 8890

To run as Party B:

./build/bin/network_example 8890 8899


Please check Contributing for more details.

Code of Conduct

Please check Code of Conduct for more details.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.

Citing PETAce

To cite PETAce in academic papers, please use the following BibTeX entries.

Version 0.3.0

        title = {PETAce (release 0.3.0)},
        howpublished = {\url{}},
        month = Jun,
        year = 2024,
        note = {TikTok Pte. Ltd.},
        key = {PETAce}