Pinned issues
- 0
Backoffer initialization is unexpected
#9013 opened by rleungx - 2
pd leader changed when injection network partition between pd leader and one of pd follower
#9017 opened by Lily2025 - 0
rule checker consumes too much cpu in big cluster
#9011 opened by lhy1024 - 8
Bug: TSO proxy will cause pd follower OOM
#9004 opened by guoxiangCN - 0
Improve or remove the Heartbeat distribution
#9003 opened by rleungx - 0
- 2
- 0
- 0
metrics: add the details of balance range scheduler
#9007 opened by bufferflies - 0
- 0
Refactor GC related PD APIs
#8978 opened by MyonKeminta - 0
TestRemovingProgress is unstable
#8992 opened by lhy1024 - 12
cannot get cluster id after scale-out & scale-in pd
#8993 opened by lidezhu - 0
- 3
A large volume of requests combined with slow response time will significantly increase the memory usage of the PD
#8882 opened by okJiang - 1
it maybe failed to offline store when it is preparing
#8997 opened by lhy1024 - 0
double confirm or print warn information when set max-replica to less than 3
#8959 opened by AndreMouche - 0
- 3
- 3
- 1
Tso client is not ready after create PD client
#8962 opened by okJiang - 1
PD may be panic when enabling `tidb_enable_tso_follower_proxy` and restart PD
#8950 opened by okJiang - 0
TestForwardTSOUnexpectedToFollower1 cluster id mismatch
#8967 opened by okJiang - 0
PD panic on `c.minResolvedTS.Load().(uint64)`
#8964 opened by overvenus - 0
Track issue: enhance pd client stability
#8961 opened by okJiang - 0
Add gRPC received command rate
#8920 opened by okJiang - 0
support pyroscope for golang runtime analyze
#8957 opened by bufferflies - 0
Improve PD go runtime metrics
#8930 opened by bufferflies - 0
resource controller: timer.Reset is unsafe before go 1.23
#8876 opened by lhy1024 - 0
pd-ctl return error result when region doesn't exist
#8868 opened by lhy1024 - 0
Consider evict leader according to the region's flow
#8949 opened by rleungx - 0
Change `EnableTSOFollowerProxy` may not take effect
#8947 opened by rleungx - 1
metrics: the number of oversized-region-count may changed frequently and can not be used as a reference.
#8917 opened by AndreMouche - 0
hot scheduler is not fast enough for insert workload
#8944 opened by lhy1024 - 1
`TestDisableSchedulingServiceFallback` is flaky
#8926 opened by rleungx - 8
placement rules changed after scheduling leader changed
#8935 opened by Lily2025 - 1
PD panic when updateSubTree
#8915 opened by nolouch - 0
pd meet panic after adding grant-hot-region-scheduler
#8933 opened by lhy1024 - 2
pd client panics with "[tso] timestamp fallback"
#8889 opened by lhy1024 - 0
pd support to report runtime metrics to prometheues
#8931 opened by bufferflies - 2
merge-checker: The empty region corresponding to the dropped table cannot be merged forever with `enable-cross-table-merge` false
#8886 opened by AndreMouche - 0
Managing errors in one place
#8922 opened by rleungx - 0
Optimize the lock usage in resource controller
#8918 opened by nolouch - 2
- 0
Should disable enable-grpc-gateway by default
#8914 opened by mayjiang0203 - 1
- 0
Add force option to pd-ctl store delete
#8878 opened by shunki-fujita - 1
- 0
Balance all regions within a certain key range
#8881 opened by CalvinNeo - 0