My attempt at a pygame debug console for future use
I got the examples originally from the examples portion of the pygame github:
The "ultimate goal" is to insert the text input/output functionality from the pygame example script I want to use this feature to send in attributes.
For instance a hotkey to bring up this text input, then issue a command for a specific circle to set a diffrent color or a new location.
Well I haven't worked out all the details yet, it's a work in progress.
My first task turned out to be unrelated: use hex representations of RGB rather decimal.
Turns out it wasn't very hard:
def colorHexToDec(hex_color) -> str:
red = int(hex_color[0:2], 16)
green = int(hex_color[2:4], 16)
blue = int(hex_color[4:6], 16)
return red, green, blue
Now in pygame I can do something like this:
# Example usage of colorHexToDec
color = colorHexToDec("ffff00")
# Draw a rectangle with the color
pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, (100, 100, 200, 150))
And why, you ask, would I possibly want to do this?
Well, I have this color chart left over from a long lost copy of that famous HTML 5 book that ran for like 20 years and had 12 or whatever editions to it...anyway in the back of every copy was this fold out full color chart with the hex representations of a bunch colors and the actual colors (in color).
So I've pinned it above my desk and plan on using it for randomly choosing colors. Seems like the long way round just for some colors maybe, but at least it wasn't very hard.