
Attempted Gradius, but with stencyl this time

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT

Open this page at https://github.com/tildesarecool/grad-dah-clone-stencyl-ed

This is part of day-by-day project I've introduced on my blog, Tildes on the side.

The blog post for this day in the project is located at https://tildesare.cool/2022/01/03/picking-a-game-making-platform-day-3-stencyl/

In summary

I actually didn't mind the time I spent actually using Stencyl, it was the a few other details that really eliminate it from consideration: it is clearly not a native Windows application. I don't just mean a few weird menus or that it was made with Qt (was it? Maybe). I mean the design itself looks like it was made a Mac OS around 1996, the two export options are either Flash (really?) and HTML5, which requires the "Java Development environment" (...Java to export into HTML5...really?).

It also defaults it's project saves to a subfolder in AppData, buried in the user profile. It doesn't ask where you want to save it, it doesn't mention this is where to find it, I don't think there's even a preference to change this location within the program. It just plunks it right there in the AppData folder.

But ignoring those three minor details...it wasn't horrible to work with.