
This repository includes simple *.tf files to create instance remotely in AWS.

instance.tf --> this file is kinda template, here every input specified as variable. Inclueds "tags", information about in which Environment instance is creating and by whom. In company 'tags' are very important.

ig.tf --> file creates AWS Internet Gateway for VPC

provider.tf --> file is one of 1st files you should create before creating anything in terraform to create instance and other services in AWS. In provider.tf file region specified, s3 bucket.

vpc.tf --> file creates VPC.

rt.tf --> file creates AWS Route Table.

subnet-association.tf --> file creates AWS route table association.

subnet.tf --> file creates AWS subnet for "2" different instances.

variable.tf --> file is where we specified all variables

output.tf --> file is created to show public IP of created instance after you run "terraform apply" command.

NOTE: Files are described not in created order. :)