
Proxy to Forward Simple UDP Protocols Through an SSH Tunnel

Primary LanguageJava

WrapUdp - Tunnel Simple UDP Protocols via SSH.

WrapUdp is a small java application designed to wrap UDP datagrams so that they can be shipped over TCP and therefore use any ssh tunnel.

Simple protocols that send datagrams to a server and receive a reply directed back to the source IP/port are supported. Efficiency and throughput are not design goals.

Two instances of WrapUdp are executing:

  • on the inside, i.e., inside a firewall which is where the UDP service you wish to contact is running.
  • on the outside which is somewhere on the internet from where you want to reach the UDP sevice behind a firewall. Both instances communicate via a ssh tunnel.

WrapUdp supports starting the ssh tunnel either from the inside or from the outside. We call the computer where the ssh client runs the local instance and the ssh server the remote instance.

In a 'normal' configuration the local computer is on the outside and connects to a remote ssh server where the inside instance of WrapUdp is executing and talking to the target:

 source -- UDP --> local/outside  --- SSH / TCP ------ remote/inside -- UDP -> target
                    ssh client                          ssh server

In a 'reverse' configuration the local computer is on the inside and connects to a remote ssh server where the outside instance of WrapUdp is executing.

 source -- UDP --> remote/outside --- SSH / TCP ------ local/inside  -- UDP -> target
                    ssh server                          ssh client

Starting WrapUdp and the Tunnel

The outside instance of WrapUdp must be passed the destination address and port of the target UDP server (which is residing on the inside):

-H <hostname or ip of UDP server>
-P <port number of UDP server>
-L <port number where outside proxy is listening>

Note that even though the UDP server lives on the inside the information must be passed to the outside instance of WrapUdp. The -L option is not mandatory; if it is omitted the target UDP server's port number is used.

When using host names instead of IP numbers keep in mind that the names are resolved on the outside and may not be publicly visible. In this case you must resort to numerical addresses.

Since WrapUdp is executed on both, the local and the remote machine you need a copy of wrudp.jar and a java-run time installation on both machines.

Online Help

Brief usage info is printed by the '-h' option

java -jar wrudp.jar -h

Example of a 'normal' Setup.

On the 'local', 'outside' machine execute

java -jar wrudp.jar -H insideUdpServer -P udpServerPort -- ssh ssh_server java -jar wrudp.jar

A connection to localhost:udpServerPort on the local machine is then proxied/forwarded to insideUdpServer:udpServerPort.

Example of a 'reverse' Setup.

On the 'local', 'inside' machine (ssh client inside the firewall) execute

java -jar wrudp.jar -- ssh ssh_server java -jar wrudp.jar -H insideUdpServer -P udpServerPort -L localPort

A connection to ssh_server:localPort (on the outside) is then forwarded to insideUdpServer:udpServerPort inside the firewall.