
Objective C Class to convert from and to Arabic Presentation Forms B

Primary LanguageObjective-C

* Arabic Converter v1.0
* Copyright 2012, Accorpa, LLC
* Licensed under GPL Version 3 License
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
* download: https://github.com/Accorpa/Arabic-Converter-From-and-To-Arabic-Presentation-Forms-B

This is a Converter to Arabic characters from and to Arabic Presentation Forms B
	1- Allow you to use custom arabic fonts in your mac or iOS application.
	2- overcome the current bug in iOS that prevent you from using custom 
		fonts , and limit you the standard arabic font in ios.
    * no dependencies
Basic Usage:
    1) Download the .m and .h files and add them to your xCode project.
    2) include ArabicConverter.h in your files.
	//Convert to Arabic Presentation Forms B - to allow custom fonts
	ArabicConverter *converter = [[ArabicConverter alloc] init];
	NSString* convertedString = [converter convertArabic:myNormalString];
	//then set this string to any label or component you want 
		//to use custom fonts.
	//Convert Back From Arabic Presentation Forms B
	ArabicConverter *converter = [[ArabicConverter alloc] init];
	NSString* myNormalString = [converter convertArabicBack:convertedString];

I realized it doesn't support all kinds of custom fonts, 
there is a small set that is still
not supported, will solve this in a new release.