
DHd Chronicles

Primary LanguagePython

DHd Chronicles

Blessing, A., Cremer, F., Helling, P., Henny-Krahmer, U., Jung, K., & Reiter, N. (2023). DHd Chronicles.

Auswertungen von Konferenzeinreichungen zu den DHd-Konferenzen 2014 bis 2023.

Generation of plain text files

2015: Extracted from PDF


for i in $( ls PDF-files/*.pdf ); do pdftotext -nopgbrk "$i"; done

2016-2023, except 2021: Extracted from TEI/XML

for i in $(ls DHd-Abstracts-20??/XML-Files/*.xml); do xpath -e '/TEI/text/body//text()' "$i" > "$i".txt; done

enriched metadata flat file values

enriched metadata flat file

uid unique ID
abstract_id abstract id at conference
conference_acronym conference acronym (DHd YYYY)
conference_place conference place
creators_json json object with authors and their affiliations
creator_names author names, separated
creators_amount amount of authors
creators_group_type type of author group (single, duo, small group, big group)
creators_group_publication combined value of author group and format_type
groups_with_female author group type with predicted authors
creators_with_female_YN boolean value for female predicted authors
creators_with_female_amount amount of female predicted authors
creators_with_male_amount amount of male predicted authors
creators_group_interdisciplinary author group type with different affiliations (INTER) or within the same affiliation (NICHT)
title title of the abstract
format_type format of the abstract (Vortrag, Poster, Workshop, Panel, 'empty')