@tillhub/vue-date-picker CircleCI

A date picker that allows user to select a range, quick pick dates, and select custom ranges


npm install --save @tillhub/vue-date-picker


npm run serve


    buttonLabel="All Time"


import VueDatePicker from '@tillhub/vue-date-picker'
import '@tillhub/vue-date-picker/dist/vue-date-picker.css'

export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {
  methods: {
      console.log("I gots the dates! ", selected)


The components accepts optional properties.

Property type required example default description
locale string no "de" or "en" "en" Currently only German and English is supported. Only 'de' and 'en '
tint-color string no "#50e3c1" "#357ebd" This allows customized color of the highlighted date range on the calender
placement string no right bottom The side of the button that the date picker will open from
button-label string no "All Time" "Select" Customized Button Label to override default
button-width string no "100px" "auto" Overrides the button width, but default it adjust to content
date-type string no "iso" or "date" "date" Formats the get-dates (start/end) to either date format or ISO string format
date-format string no "yyyy-MM-dd" none A valid date-fns token to format the dates instead of defaulting to the native toLocaleDateString. For the list of tokens see: https://date-fns.org/v2.9.0/docs/format
:hide-date-in-button boolean no true false Overrides the applied date being showed in place of Button label
:show-time boolean no false true Overrides the time being shown next to the date
:init=custom-toggle boolean no false true Activates or de-activate Custom toggle at the bottom on initial open
:simple boolean no true false This will only have the date-range calender select options
:clearable boolean no true false An X icon will appear on the button that will clear date and return {} on @get-dates
:date-range object no { start: new Date(),
end: "2018-11-13T23:00:00.000Z",
showDateText: true }
true Allows the date-range to be past in. The object must include a 'start' and 'end' key with a date value or an ISO sting. 'showDateText' (optional) must be a boolean and will over ride the button label and message above the calender to be the date range. It defaults to false
:default-short-cut string no "thisMonth" false A valid shortcut string that matched with the existing date shortcuts, i.e. today, thisWeek, thisMonth, etc.


The Date picker with only return the selected date from the component when the Applied button is clicked. It will return an object { start: new Date(), end: new Date()} with a start and an end key. The dates will be in a javascript date object see https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_dates.asp.

Event type example default description
@get-dates function (selected dates)=>{} n/a Passes the selected dates when the applied button is clicked and will return an object { start: new Date(), end: new Date(), showDateText: true}
@clear function ()=>{} n/a When 'clearable' props is true, this event emits when the clear x is clicked


MIT © jmy-kellogg