
The documentation on how to write plugins for nuxt-ts seems to be outdated. This is a simple reproduction.

Primary LanguageVue

The documentation on how to write plugins for nuxt-ts seems to be outdated. This is a simple reproduction.

This project was set up using create-nuxt-app@latest. A plugin was added according and using the example code of the Nuxt.js/TypeScript Cookbook.

How to reproduce the error message:

  1. Clone, install, etc.
  2. Open the start page pages/index.vue in your IDE (tested with VS Code)
  3. Take a look at line 35. You should see a Vetur warning for $myInjectedFunction: Property '$myInjectedFunction' does not exist on type 'CombinedVueInstance<Vue, unknown, unknown, unknown, Readonly<Record<never, any>>>'.Vetur(2339)