
TF ranking training example

Primary LanguagePython

TF-ranking example

This repository contains an example TFTransform/TFRanking pipeline that :

  • Serializes generated data in the ELWC format and writes the result in TFrecords
  • Trains a TFRanking model with the Keras API
  • Saves it for later use with a signature function that takes raw example as input for predictions


To be able to run the code, you should activate a Python Virtual Environment and install the packages in requirements.txt

vitrualenv --python=python3.5.7 venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the code

  • To serialize data, use:
rm -rf ./output/*
python transform_pipeline.py

It will generate a TFRecords file and the TFTransform metadata in the ./output directory.

  • To train and save the model, use:
python train_keras_model.py