Searches city by ip address in local database from
Use it with rails. For now, I think.
libmaxminddb must be installed.
gem 'maxmind_geoip2'
MaxmindGeoIP2.file '<local_db_file.mmdb>' # default: GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxmindGeoIP2.locale 'ru' # default: 'ru'
Returns nil if nothing found and raises exception if file not opened or not found
city = MaxmindGeoIP2.locate(<ip address>, <optional lang>)
city = MaxmindGeoIP2.locate ''
=> {"city"=>"Тамбов",
"subdivision"=>"Тамбовская область",
city = MaxmindGeoIP2.locate '', 'en'
=> {"city"=>"Tambov",
"subdivision"=>"Tambovskaya Oblast'",