
Example of how to use Tilt to iterate on your app and your sidecar at the same time.

Primary LanguageShell

App + Sidecar + Tilt = 💞

This repo contains:

  1. your app, randword. Every second, it logs a random word to a file.
  2. Your sidecar, a log ingester. It runs on the same pod as your app, reads in your app's logfile by means of a shared volume, and ingests the logs. In the real world, this "ingestion" step would consist of sending the logs to Elasticsearch or some other fancy log store/processor, but since no one wants to download Elasticsearch just for a demo, this sidecar just prints the logs to stdout.)

Tilt has a cool new feature where you can Live Update multiple containers in a single pod -- that means that, among other things, you can now iterate on your app and your sidecar simultaneously. So tilt up and experiment: any changes in app/ or sidecar/ will be immediately propagated to your running containers, no Docker rebuild required! ⚡️