
X-Road security server source code

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository provides the source code of the Security Server component of the X-Road software. X-Road is used as a backbone of the Finnish National Data Exchange Layer (Kansallinen palveluväylä), and it's developed in cooperation between the Estonian Information System Authority (RIA) and the Population Register Centre (VRK). The workflow policy for collaborative and open source software development of X-Road is described in the workflow policy document.

Getting started

Using a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS build host is recommended.

A Vagrantfile for setting up a minimal build environment is provided (requires Vagrant; tested with VirtualBox version 5).


The prerequisites with correct versions can be installed by running the src/prepare_buildhost.sh script (assumes Ubuntu).

Building X-Road:

  • Change working directory to xroad-public/src
  • Before the first build, run update_ruby_dependencies.sh
  • Run build_packages.sh
    • builds X-Road security server and creates Debian packages

Tip. When using the virtual build host, copy (or git clone) the source tree into the host to speed up building.

Building rpm installation packages for RHEL 7 on an Ubuntu host:

  • A Dockerfile that creates a rpm packaging environment and builds rpm packages is provided in src/packages/docker
    • Note. The minimal build environment created using the Vagrantfile does not contain Docker.

Support / Contact / Contribution

Please file a new issue at GitHub.

Copying and License

This material is copyright (c) 2015 Estonian Information System Authority (RIA), Population Register Centre (VRK).

The X-Road project is distributed under The MIT License (MIT). The full text of the license can be found at: LICENSE.info