A lightweighted counterstrikesharp plugin to change player model.
If you like this plugin, please give a star :)
- Before you use
- Installation Guide
- Optional Dependencies
- Commands
- Configuration
- Common Issues
- Credits
- Contribution
- How to add default or workshop model
Custom model parts:
- this plugin can cause a GSLT ban, use at your own risk
Download the plugin from latest Release, then put it into your counterstrikesharp plugin folder.
- MultiAddonManager (for workshop model)
- WASDMenuAPI (for wasd interactive menu)
pmc_enable [true/false]
Enable / Disable the pluginpmc_resynccache
Resync cache.
show sender the model he is using + helper!model <@random / model name> <all/ct/t>
change sender's model (@random for random model every spawn)!md <all/ct/t> / !models <all/ct/t>
select model
!modeladmin [all/steamid] reset [all/ct/t]
Reset player's model.!modeladmin [all/steamid] set [all/ct/t] [model index]
Set player's model.!modeladmin [steamid] check
Check if player's model is not allowed to have, if not then reset it.!modeladmin reload
Reload the config.
When you install the plugin successfully, it will generate counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/PlayerModelChanger/PlayerModelChanger.json
See Wiki to config it.
Use Source2Viewer
or GCFScape
to open the workshop vpk (or pak01 vpk), then find the .vmdl_c
file, copy the path out
the path should be like this: characters/.../xxx.vmdl
(if it is in characters folder)
Important: replace .vmdl_c
in the path with .vmdl
add your workshop id to this plugin, follow MultiAddonManager after added, switch the map once to make multiaddonmanager download the addon
See the Configuration
- You should use the compiled model (suffix
) - You should use
instead of.vmdl_c
in config json - If your model don't have animation, try to switch the map once (to make multiaddonmanager download the model)
- Method to change model: DefaultSkins by ChallengerMode
- Translation
To build this plugin, run build.bat
Feel free to create Pull Requests or issues.
- Your own model
- Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools (which can be installed in
Steam -> cs2 -> properties -> DLC
Step 1. Open your cs2 directory, find game/csgo/gameinfo.gi
go to the end of the file, find AddonConfig -> VpkDirectories
. Then add the directory you want to put in the vpk like the following example:
"exclude" "maps/content_examples"
"include" "maps"
"include" "characters" // this is the directory you want to add to the vpk
"include" "cfg/maps"
"include" "materials"
"include" "models"
"include" "panorama/images/overheadmaps"
"include" "panorama/images/map_icons"
"include" "particles"
"include" "resource/overviews"
"include" "scripts/vscripts"
"include" "sounds"
"include" "soundevents"
"include" "lighting/postprocessing"
"include" "postprocess"
"include" "addoninfo.txt"
"AllowAddonDownload" "1"
"AllowAddonDownloadForDemos" "1"
"DisableAddonValidationForDemos" "1"
Step 2. Launch Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools
, then click Create New Addon
Step 3. Go to folder ./game/csgo_addons/<your addon name>/
and paste your characters folder to here.
Step 4. Open Asset Browser
, then click the Tools
button on the top-right corner, open Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Manager
Step 5. Click New
button in the Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Manager
, fill in all the information, and publish it.
Step 6. After verification, you should be able to use the workshop item.