Flamingo Bingo, by Tim Andes



Built to assess my performance in AWS, web development, and IaC.


In this game, bingo players REGISTER, receive a RANDOMLY generated 3x3 bingo card, and PLAY by submitting the world regions where they spot flamingos in the wild.


  • AWS for backend: API, user, game state tracking(?)
  • Web for frontend: HTML, CSS, JS(? I don't think a live refresh is needed on card interaction)


  • Only need back end on AWS framework: DynamoDB <-> Lambda <-> API Gateway



[x] set up AWS account with [X] zero spend budget, [x] alt contacts, [x] admin user, [x] login as admin, [x] create CLI keys [x] add AWS account keys to local machine [x] set up Back End GH repo [x] set up Front End GH rep

Back End:

[x] DynamoDB table with item/row being a card, containing attributes: name, email, card(regions), completions [x] API needs to return the provided JSON (they need to be able to access via CURL or API endpoint) HTTP...

  • POST create player and card and add to DDB
  • POST submit region of flamingo sighting
  • GET updated card to re-render on refresh [x] make sure API endpoint is easy access on interviewer side

Front end:

player does the following in a web-based UI:

  • On page load... register form via form fill (register, then POST to DB player and card, then redirect to card)
  • Receive a randomly generated bingo card (class Card(), created by API JSON data)
  • Plays by clicking on / submitting the World Region where they spot a flamingo

Game Plan (Terraform in mind...)

[x] 1, watch the above video in case it sheds light on any key roadblocks [x] 2, whiteboard, then pseudocode [x] 3, once full plan is drafted create AWS account and GH connection [x] 4, review docs update architecture/pseudocode/docstrings [] 5+ Back end: User creation, Generate Card, Interact with Card, update UI on refresh [] 6+ Front End. On load, form pops for new player. Then submit form, then redirect to card, then interact with card, refresh for updated card