
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Norman is a (very) small subset of Foreman, just for viewing puppet run reports.

Getting reports

See Puppet logstash reporter

for the report you need to add to puppet.

Munging reports

You are expected to have a rule like this in your logstash config:

mutate {
    tags       => [ "puppet-apply" ]
    replace    => [ "@type", "puppet-apply" ]

Hosting norman

It's 100% Javascript, so just copy the app/ directory under your web root somewhere.

It by default expects Elasticsearch to be available at /es/ on the same server you installed it on.

You can, alternatively, install norman as an Elasticsearch plugin.

Just build a .zip file of the





You'll need node.js, but you should be able to easily run the development server:

spaceinvaders norman [master]$ ./scripts/web-server.js
Http Server running at http://localhost:8000/


  • Add an 'other runs for this host' page
  • Fix search / ordering functionality on homepage