
A Kubernetes Helm Chart for Sorry Cypress, an open-source on-premise, self-hosted alternative to cypress dashboard.

Primary LanguageSmartyMIT LicenseMIT

Sorry Cypress (Helm Chart)

:octocat: An open-source, on-premise, self-hosted alternative to Cypress dashboard 🌲

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Get Repo Info

$ helm repo add sorry-cypress https://sorry-cypress.github.io/charts
$ helm repo update

See helm repo for command documentation.

Install Chart

# Helm 3
$ helm install [RELEASE_NAME] sorry-cypress/sorry-cypress [flags]

See helm install for command documentation.

Uninstall Chart

# Helm 3
$ helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

See helm uninstall for command documentation.

Upgrade Chart

Upgrade the chart deployment using:

# Helm 3
$ helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] sorry-cypress/sorry-cypress [flags]

See helm upgrade for command documentation.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the sorry-cypress chart and their default values.

API service


Parameter Description Default
api.image.repository Image repository agoldis/sorry-cypress-api
api.image.tag Image tag latest
api.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
api.resources Resources to initialize the container {}
api.podAnnotations Set annotations for pods {}
api.podLabels Set additional labels for pods {}
api.service.port Kubernetes service port 4000
api.ingress.labels Ingress labels {}
api.ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
api.ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname to the service installation api.chart-example.local
api.ingress.tls Ingress secrets for TLS certificates []

Dashboard service


Parameter Description Default
dashboard.image.repository Image repository agoldis/sorry-cypress-dashboard
dashboard.image.tag Image tag latest
dashboard.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
dashboard.resources Resources to initialize the container {}
dashboard.environmentVariables.ciUrl Set optional environment variable CI_URL to add a link to your CI tool ""
dashboard.environmentVariables.graphQlSchemaUrl Set the environment variable GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_URL with the URL of API service. ""
dashboard.podAnnotations Set annotations for pods {}
dashboard.podLabels Set additional labels for pods {}
dashboard.service.port Kubernetes service port 4000
dashboard.ingress.enabled Flag to define if the dashboard service ingress is enabled true
dashboard.ingress.labels Ingress labels {}
dashboard.ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname to the service installation dashboard.chart-example.local
dashboard.ingress.tls Ingress secrets for TLS certificates []

Director service


Parameter Description Default
director.image.repository Image repository agoldis/sorry-cypress-director
director.image.tag Image tag latest
director.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
director.resources Resources to initialize the container {}
director.environmentVariables.allowedKeys Define the list of comma delimited record keys (provided to the Cypress Runner using --key option). Empty or not provided variable means that all record keys are allowed. ""
dashboard.environmentVariables.dashboardUrl The "Run URL" in the Cypress client ""
director.environmentVariables.executionDriver Set the execution driver. Valid options are "../execution/in-memory" and "../execution/mongo/driver" "../execution/in-memory"
director.environmentVariables.screenshotsDriver Set the screenshots driver. Valid options are "../screenshots/dummy.driver" and "../screenshots/s3.driver" "../screenshots/dummy.driver"
director.s3.bucketName Set the screenshots storage bucket name, if the screenshots driver is set to "../screenshots/s3.driver" example-bucket
director.s3.region Set the screenshots storage bucket region, if the screenshots driver is set to "../screenshots/s3.driver" us-east-1
director.s3.acl The uploaded video/screenshot object ACL, if the screenshots driver is set to "../screenshots/s3.driver" "public-read"
director.s3.readUrlPrefix The host to load the video/screenshot in the dashboard (defaults to the bucket URL), if the screenshots driver is set to "../screenshots/s3.driver" ""
director.s3.accessKey The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable to configure AWS credentials, if the screenshots driver is set to "../screenshots/s3.driver" ""
director.s3.secretAccessKey The AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable to configure AWS credentials, if the screenshots driver is set to "../screenshots/s3.driver" ""
director.podAnnotations Set annotations for pods {}
director.podLabels Set additional labels for pods {}
director.service.port Kubernetes service port 4000
director.ingress.enabled Flag to define if the director service ingress is enabled true
director.ingress.labels Ingress labels {}
director.ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
director.ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname to the service installation director.chart-example.local
director.ingress.tls Ingress secrets for TLS certificates []

Mongo service

If the execution driver is set to "../execution/mongo/driver", you may enable the internal MongoDB service deploy or provide an external one. Ignore this configuration when using other execution drivers.

Parameter Description Default
mongo.enabled If enabled, it will deploy the internal MongoDB service. false
mongo.mongoDatabase The mongo database sorry-cypress
mongo.mongoServer The mongo server when providing an external one. Use it with mongo.enabled=false ""
mongo.image.repository Image repository mongo
mongo.image.tag Image tag "4.0"
mongo.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
mongo.persistence.enabled Flag for enabling persistent storage false
mongo.persistence.accessMode Volumes access mode to be set ReadWriteOnce
mongo.persistence.size Size of the volume 1Gi
mongo.resources Resources to initialize the container {}
mongo.podAnnotations Set annotations for pods {}
mongo.podLabels Set additional labels for pods {}
mongo.service.port Kubernetes service port 4000