How to use PlantUML to draw your diagram or flow effectively.

1. Introduction.

If you are in the following cases, PlantUML will be the hero to rescue you.

  • You have to face the change request from the client regularly, each time you have to update the flow or the diagram to your design.
  • You want to keep track of all the changes to the flow/ digram by using a source version control such as git, and SVN.
  • You want a tool to help you to update quickly your diagram and you don't have to pay a considerable time to create another instance of it.

2. Installing and Setup PlantUML.

2.1. Using PlantUML online.

If you want to use it quickly, without any installation, just need a browser. You should visit to explore and try it.

This is an official site, it includes

  • The official document relates to the syntax of plantUML and a bunch of awesome things.
  • The online editor will help you to create the diagram, export the diagram, and share the diagram by a link or a file.

plantuml home page

You can navigate the online editor of PlantUML by the following link:

plantuml online editor

2.2. Using PlantUML in Visual Studio Code.

plantuml vscode extension

Step 1: You have to need to install the java runtime to your local machine to run PlantUml.

Step 2: In your Visual Studio Code, navigate to the extension and search 'plantuml` and install it by the image below.

plantuml extension

After installation, you can read the introduction of this extension to learn how to use it.

3. How to use the PlantUML syntax effectively.

To see all the syntax and the diagram types, please go to the official site of PlantUML.

3.1 User Case

In VS Code, type the syntax in which you want to create the diagram, the hit Alt + D to see the generated image. PlantUML user case example

3.2 Json Data

PlantUML json example

3.2 Mindmap

PlantUML mindmap example

4. References

VS Code PlantUML Read me in github

PlantUML Offical site