RaspberryPi BuildHAT Web MotorControl

This project enables you to control up to four LEGO® TECHNIC™ motors with Raspberry Pi add-on board Build HAT over the web.

Getting started

Install .NET 8

You can configure the project using appsettings.json:

  "HostingSettings": {
    "Port": "<WebServer Port>"
  "MontorControlSettings": {
    "BuildHatPort": "<Serial Port>", // e.g. /dev/serial0
    "MotorPort": "<MotorPorts to use from Build HAT>" // PortA, PortB, PortC, PortD

Build and run

To build and run the application you have to:

Run dotnet restore then dotnet run


API Method Body Action
GET / Returns 'MotorControl is running...' message
POST /motorcontrol/runseconds { "MotorSpeed": <0-100>, "Seconds": <RunSeconds> } Running Motor in given percentage speed for given seconds and then stops
POST /motorcontrol/speed { "MotorSpeed": <0-100> } Running Motor in given percentage speed and keep running


Build HAT Documentation Using Build HAT from .NET Python Build HAT