
RaspberryPi Web LEDControl

This project enables you to control a LED stripe like Ws2812b over the web using a converter like FT232H breakout board or GPIO of Raspberry Pi.

Getting started

Install .NET 8

You can configure the project using appsettings.json:

  "HostingSettings": {
    "Port": "<WebServer Port>"
  "LEDStripSettings": {
    "UseUsbConverter": <true/false>, // Set to True when FT232H is used, set to false when Raspberry Pi GPIO is used
    "UsbConverterId": <USB-ID>, // Set to USB Converter ID which is printed out on app start, set to null when Raspberry Pi GPIO is used
    "NumberOfLeds": <Number-Of-Leds> // Number of LEDs of your stripe

Build and run

To build and run the application you have to:

Run dotnet restore then dotnet run


API Method Body Action
GET / Returns 'LED Web Control is running...' message
POST /ledcontrol/setlighting { "R": <Red-Value>, "G": <Green-Value>, "B": <Blue-Value>, "StartIndex": <Start-Index>, "Length": <Length> } Sets the segments of LED stripe from start index to length with given RGB-Value
POST /ledcontrol/reset { } Resets the LED stripe and stops all started actions
POST /ledcontrol/action { "LedStripAction": <LED-StripAction = 1 -> KnightRider, 2 -> Rainbow LED> } Enables a cool LED sequence
POST /ledcontrol/setLength { "NumberOfLeds": 200 } Overwrite LED stripe length during runtime


FT232H Breakout Board