
Command line utility for image classification and prediction using a variety of pre-trained neural networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Command line image classification neural network utility

This repository includes a python command line utility to build neural networks based on a few common PyTorch models. Train the neural network on any set of images, and use your trained model to predict new images.

Usage - Training

Training your model See help at any time: $ python train.py -h

usage: train.py [-h] [-a ARCH] [-alpha LEARNING_RATE] [-e EPOCHS] [-gpu] [-hidden HIDDEN_LAYERS] [-o NUM_OUTPUTS] [-s SAVE_DIRECTORY] [-test TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY] [-train TRAIN_DATA_DIRECTORY]

-h, --help  show this help message and exit
-a ARCH, --arch Pretrained model architecture
-alpha, --learning_rate Learning rate
-e, --epochs Number of epochs
-gpu, --gpu Use GPU if it's available
-hidden, --hidden_layers Number of model hidden layers
-o, --num_outputs Number of model outputs
-s, --save_directory Directory to save model
-test, --test_data_directory Testing data directory
-train, --train_data_directory Training data directory

Basic usage:

python train.py -train path/to/training/images -test path/to/test/images -o number_of_outputs

Note: The testing and training folder structure should be formatted as a collection of image folders split apart by category name. For example, if you were training a model with images of dogs and cats, your folder structure might look like this:



In this folder structure, your model would train to predict "dogs" or "cats" since that's what your folders are named. In this example, you should pass -o 2 to your function, since the number of possible outputs based on your image dataset is 2 (cats or dogs). `

Advanced usage:

  • -e num_epochs - Define the number of training epochs. If none is provided, the model will default to 10.
  • -a learning_rate - Define the learning rate. If none is provided, the model will default to 0.001.
  • -hidden layer1,layer2,layern - Define of inputs into each hidden layer. If none is provided, the model will default to 2 hidden layers. The size of those hidden layers will be computed for you.
  • -gpu - Attempt to use a GPU for training, if your machine supports it.
  • -a model_name - Define the architecture to use for your model. Currently vgg11, vgg13, vgg16, and vgg19 are supported. If you don't pass in a model, you can select one later or use the default.

Usage - Predicting

Using your model to predict a new image See help at any time: $ python predict.py -h

usage: predict.py [-h] [-i IMAGE] [-c CHECKPOINT] [-tk TOP_K] [--category_names CATEGORY_NAMES] [-gpu]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --image Filepath to image to predict
-c, --checkpoint Saved model checkpoint to use for prediction.
-tk, --top_k Return the top K most likely predictions
--category_names Dictionary to map category indices to names
-gpu, --gpu Use GPU if it's available

Basic usage:

python predict.py -i path/to/image -c path/to/model_checkpoint

Prediction: 52 with probability 64.07%

Prediction: 62 with probability 33.06%

Prediction: 47 with probability 2.32%

Prediction: 2 with probability 0.31%

Prediction: 38 with probability 0.23%

Basic usage (with category names):

python predict.py -i sun.jpeg -c model_checkpoints/vgg16_75.pth --category_names cat_to_name.json

Prediction: primula with probability 64.07%

Prediction: black-eyed susan with probability 33.06%

Prediction: buttercup with probability 2.32%

Prediction: canterbury bells with probability 0.31%

Prediction: siam tulip with probability 0.23%