
Nix Workshop materials

Primary LanguageNix


This aims to show how you can package a simple Hello world! program in every programming language with Nix.

Please contribute your language of choice!




In order to build a specific hello program, you can use nix build .#hello-whatever, for example:

$ nix build -L .#hello-cobol
hello-cobol> unpacking sources
hello-cobol> unpacking source archive /nix/store/z5vgi7ykf5rrz5j5cv3k2x7q3zsm2svq-source
hello-cobol> source root is source
hello-cobol> patching sources
hello-cobol> updateAutotoolsGnuConfigScriptsPhase
hello-cobol> configuring
hello-cobol> no configure script, doing nothing
hello-cobol> building
hello-cobol> build flags: SHELL=/nix/store/gzcbs0pkzsv1q3rngvf4i53z3vv7vxl4-bash-5.1-p16/bin/bash PREFIX=/nix/store/9miyav5d5ky5y4603rsxss3yvsd7s2bp-hello-cobol-0.1.0
hello-cobol> mkdir -p build
hello-cobol> cobc -x -o build/hello-cobol hello.cbl
hello-cobol> installing
hello-cobol> install flags: SHELL=/nix/store/gzcbs0pkzsv1q3rngvf4i53z3vv7vxl4-bash-5.1-p16/bin/bash PREFIX=/nix/store/9miyav5d5ky5y4603rsxss3yvsd7s2bp-hello-cobol-0.1.0 install
hello-cobol> mkdir -p /nix/store/9miyav5d5ky5y4603rsxss3yvsd7s2bp-hello-cobol-0.1.0/bin/
hello-cobol> install -m 755 build/hello-cobol /nix/store/9miyav5d5ky5y4603rsxss3yvsd7s2bp-hello-cobol-0.1.0/bin/
hello-cobol> post-installation fixup
hello-cobol> strip is /nix/store/2jsaz8bif2shdfgbmxf1wydz4azdzzd0-clang-wrapper-11.1.0/bin/strip
hello-cobol> stripping (with command strip and flags -S) in /nix/store/9miyav5d5ky5y4603rsxss3yvsd7s2bp-hello-cobol-0.1.0/bin
hello-cobol> patching script interpreter paths in /nix/store/9miyav5d5ky5y4603rsxss3yvsd7s2bp-hello-cobol-0.1.0

hint: the -L makes build logs show up


Once you've built a package, a result symlink will show up in your CWD, pointing to the package's location in the nix store. You can use it to run your program:

$ ./result/bin/hello-cobol
Hello, Cobol world!

You can build and run a program in one go by using nix run:

$ nix run .#hello-rust
Hello, Rust world!


We have a special package, hello-docker, which demonstrates how we can generate a docker image with all our hello-programs. Running hello-docker is a little more involved, here's how you do it:

$ nix build -L .#hello-docker
docker-image-hello-docker.tar.gz> Adding layer...
docker-image-hello-docker.tar.gz> tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
docker-image-hello-docker.tar.gz> Adding meta...
docker-image-hello-docker.tar.gz> Cooking the image...
docker-image-hello-docker.tar.gz> Finished.

$ docker load -i result
Loaded image: hello-docker:9qf3i2r0xr790zjrf403b6psmv1xvqr3

$ docker run hello-docker:9qf3i2r0xr790zjrf403b6psmv1xvqr3
Hello, C world!
Hello, Cobol world!
Hello, Go World!
Hello, Poetry world!
Hello, Rust world!
Hello, Setuptools world!
Hello, shell world!


If you wish to run all hello-programs without using Docker, you can use the hello-all aggregate. It's just a shell script that call each hello-program for you:

$ nix run .#hello-all
Hello, C world!
Hello, Cobol world!
Hello, Go World!
Hello, Poetry world!
Hello, Rust world!
Hello, Setuptools world!
Hello, shell world!


  1. mkdir hello-$lang && cd hello-$lang
  2. Implement a program that prints Hello, $lang world!
  3. Package it with a default.nix
  4. Add it to packages in flake.nix
  5. Update the README list

If you need any help, you can open an issue here, or reach out to @lovesegfault.