RSSParser library - Production ready - CI 2.1.0 compatible ==================================================================== A simple library to pass RSS feeds. Usage: ------ $this->load->library('rssparser'); $this->rssparser->set_feed_url(''); $this->rssparser->set_cache_life(30); $rss = $this->rssparser->getFeed(6); // Get six items from the feed Other functions: // Using a callback function to parse addictional XML fields $this->load->library('rssparser', array($this, 'parseFile')); // parseFile method of current class function parseFile($data, $item) { $data['summary'] = (string)$item->summary; return $data; } Extra ----- If you'd like to request changes, report bug fixes, or contact the developer of this library, please email <orattue[at]>
Improved version (code style & feature) of version at