
Simple multithreaded TCP sever

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Simple multithreaded TCP server

Server is implemented in Java, clients in Python and Groovy. It is one of the homeworks for Distributed Systems course in University of Tartu.


Running all components require that following software (*) is installed on target computers.

  • Java (1.7)
  • Maven (3.2.3)
  • Python (2.7)
  • Groovy (2.3.6)

(*) tested with mentioned versions. May not work with lower versions.

Build manual

  1. Run the server (Java)
  • Go to "server-java" directory
  • Execute command -> mvn install exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="ee.ut.ds.TCPServer"
  1. Run first client (Python)
  • Go to "client-python" directory
  • Execute script script -> python2.7 client.py
  1. Run second client (Groovy)
  • Go to "client-groovy" directory
  • Execute script -> groovy client.groovy